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Is it illegal to use an aimbot or game cheat?

Using an aimbot or game cheat isn't illegal, though if you're using this type of software in multiplayer games, you're probably breaking the game's Terms of Use or End User License Agreement.

How do aimbots work?

Most aimbots rely on accessing the game memory to detect information such as the position or visibility of other players in order to function. An Aimbot is typically one of the features of a hack or cheat program. This type of software injects code into a game running on your PC in order to enable features not normally possible.

What happens if you use a server-side aimbot?

Server-side aimbots are detectable by anti-cheat software and will usually result in a ban from the server. As we have covered, aimbots cause an advantage for players with access to them over those who don’t. In online multiplayer games, this can create an unfair playing field and make the game less fun for everyone involved.

Are cxcheats cheats illegal in Call of duty?

Over the weekend, Call of Duty 's publisher, Activision, filed a lawsuit against CxCheats, a site that sells downloadable cheats to help you find and kill other players extremely easily. The lawsuit is based on the fact that creating and using cheats in CoD violates Activision's Terms of Use.

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